Google’s disregard for consumer choice and privacy (not to mention regulation) will further cement its dominance in the advertising and search space.
Neutral is no longer enough. Our planet needs a new paradigm.
In October of last year, we launched Ecosia’s first-ever youth microgrants fund. See who won and how to apply.
We’ve spent the last decade building a search engine called Ecosia. Here's how it works.
Are you ready to reduce your carbon footprint by switching to Ecosia? Here's a how-to.
The relationship between language and the climate movement is often overlooked. This blindspot has many practical implications.
Trees are the new roses.
Agribusiness has heavily altered ecosystems: modern agriculture contributes to around 10.5% of greenhouse emissions in the United States.
In Sudan, we are working with women-led groups to grow gum arabic trees. These trees will not only help reduce droughts and desertification but also increase the income of thousands of Sudanese women.
While the scientific consensus on climate change has gradually penetrated mainstream consciousness, privacy remains a topic that many of us attribute to a separate, and niche conversation.
It’s easier than ever to protect both your personal data and the planet.
With the right support, we can restore 10 million hectares along the Great Green Wall, and monitor the entire project.