Ecosia is the search engine that plants trees. Get to know all hacks, specs and features of the search engine that plants trees.
We're always working on improving your search experience and helping you have a bigger impact with Ecosia. Here's what's new.
Dark mode has been your most requested feature — and for good reason. We’re very happy to announce it’s finally here.
We’ve spent the last decade building a search engine called Ecosia. Here's how it works.
Are you ready to reduce your carbon footprint by switching to Ecosia? Here's a how-to.
If you’ve already been using Ecosia across your personal devices, you might also have thought about the impact it could have if your entire organization did the same.
A drop in ad revenue and delayed planting due to social distancing measures have led us to slow down our tree counter – but not for long.
This makes it even easier to plant trees while browsing and searching the web.
Want your organization to switch to Ecosia and to help us plant the next 100 million trees faster than ever before?
Chrome has added Ecosia as an official search engine option in 47 countries worldwide.
Ecosia will highlight fossil fuel companies that are driving the climate crisis.
Ecosia is the world's first search engine that helps you make better informed decisions. Here's how!
Convince that one friend who still uses Google that it's time to make the switch to Ecosia.