All the latest news from the tree-planting search engine.
Since Bolsonaro's rise to power, deforestation in Brazil has drastically increased. As a reaction, Ecosia has committed to planting 1 million additional trees in Brazil.
Only half a year after his election, Brazil's president is rapidly delivering on his unsettling campaign promises regarding the Amazon.
This month, Ecosia pledged to plant 80,000 extra trees in Uganda and Indonesia – one for every person who attended the Parisian music festival We Love Green.
Industrial agriculture depletes the soil, contaminates water, and harms biodiversity. But there are alternative ways of growing food.
Every Friday, young people around the world strike for the climate. Here's how Ecosia is supporting the Fridays for Future movement.
These elections are crucial for the environment because the new European Parliament will have to decide on three main issues.
The 2019 study was prepared by 145 international experts and is the first comprehensive biodiversity study of its kind for 15 years.
We host monthly meetups at our Berlin office, which aim to provide a creative space for developers from under-represented groups.
Greta Thunberg wants us to act "as if our house is on fire" – because, she points out, it is.
For International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating the extraordinary women we’ve met on our journey to document your trees around the world.
Greta Thunberg's solo protest outside Sweden's parliament has spread from one school to the next, from Sweden to Honolulu.
50 million trees means 2.5 million tonnes of CO2 removed from the atmosphere. But it means so much more…