
All the latest news from the tree-planting search engine.


It’s time to power up. Ecosia invests 20 million into renewables to counter fossil fuel dependence

Like many, I am distraught at the destruction wrought by Putin's attack on Ukraine. And I wonder what we at Ecosia can do to help.


Tech for the planet: Tim Schumacher on launching World Fund

World Fund, Europe’s largest climate tech venture capital fund, announced its launch today. We talk to Tim Schumacher who is a founding partner and has also played a crucial role in building Ecosia.


Join the #EcosiaWildfireRelief to fight fires and restore forests!

We’ll use 100% of our profits to fund firefighters in Brazil and plant trees in the US and Australia.


Our plan to plant more trees, faster: introducing Ecosia Trees

With Ecosia Trees, we’re encouraging other businesses to plant trees with us: the right species, in the right place, on a bigger-than-ever scale.


Meet the Ecosia x Earth Uprising Microgrant Winners

In October of last year, we launched Ecosia’s first-ever youth microgrants fund. See who won and how to apply.


This Valentine’s Day, show your planet some love

Trees are the new roses.


Introducing a better internet: Ecosia is now available on Brave, the privacy browser

It’s easier than ever to protect both your personal data and the planet.


Can Ecosia plant 1 billion trees for the Great Green Wall?

With the right support, we can restore 10 million hectares along the Great Green Wall, and monitor the entire project.


This holiday season, shop for trees

It’s that time of the year again — no, not the jingle bells, the time where you’re looking for gifts. Our planting pop-up has what you (and the planet) need!


A note on our tree counter

A drop in ad revenue and delayed planting due to social distancing measures have led us to slow down our tree counter – but not for long.


Your voice on climate counts: revenue from all US searches goes towards Earthjustice until polls close

Voting in the US election this year is a crucial opportunity to vote for the climate. Ecosia can't vote, but what we can do is donate the revenue from all US searches to Earthjustice. Here's why.

Search Engine

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This makes it even easier to plant trees while browsing and searching the web.

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