All the latest news from the tree-planting search engine.
With Ecosia Trees, we’re encouraging other businesses to plant trees with us: the right species, in the right place, on a bigger-than-ever scale.
In October of last year, we launched Ecosia’s first-ever youth microgrants fund. See who won and how to apply.
Trees are the new roses.
It’s easier than ever to protect both your personal data and the planet.
With the right support, we can restore 10 million hectares along the Great Green Wall, and monitor the entire project.
It’s that time of the year again — no, not the jingle bells, the time where you’re looking for gifts. Our planting pop-up has what you (and the planet) need!
A drop in ad revenue and delayed planting due to social distancing measures have led us to slow down our tree counter – but not for long.
Voting in the US election this year is a crucial opportunity to vote for the climate. Ecosia can't vote, but what we can do is donate the revenue from all US searches to Earthjustice. Here's why.
This makes it even easier to plant trees while browsing and searching the web.
The European Commission could still withdraw the CAP. But whether that happens could depend on how much pressure we put, not just on the EU, but on the member states.
The science is clear: to avoid climate collapse, we mustn't surpass a global 2°C rise in temperatures. Two Green New Deal proposals, one in the US and another in the European Union, lay out a plan. But world leaders are watering them down.
Over the last decade, Google has become one of the most monopolistic organisations in human history.