
How to turn climate anxiety into climate action

Climate anxiety is on the rise and many people are asking how to deal with feelings of despair, doom and grief. In this video, we share three steps to turn your climate anxiety into climate action.


Make Ecocide a crime

What we can do is a series drawing inspiration from the change-makers of our time. Jojo Mehta is advocating to make ecocide illegal worldwide.

Ceri Flook

It’s time to power up. Ecosia invests 20 million into renewables to counter fossil fuel dependence

Like many, I am distraught at the destruction wrought by Putin's attack on Ukraine. And I wonder what we at Ecosia can do to help.

Christian Kroll

Tree-Planting Update: Episode 34

Rampant deforestation is threatening Uganda’s natural forests. Wildlife, biodiversity and forest ecosystems are under immense pressure. In this episode, I take you on my journey through Uganda, as I monitor and learn from four of our tree-planting partners.

Antonia Burchard-Levine
Climate Action

Beyond Profit with Dr. Bronner’s

Beyond Profit is a collection of interviews to highlight the work of purpose-led brands. Dr. Bronner's is famous for its Liquid Castile Soap. In this interview, current president Michael Bronner talks about using business as a force for good to tackle social and environmental issues.


Bringing back forests without planting trees in Tanzania

The climate in this part of Tanzania has become too harsh for tree saplings to survive. Our Tanzanian tree-planting partner, the LEAD Foundation, knew it had to find another way to bring back trees.


What is regenerative agriculture and can it be scaled?

Soil is fundamental to growing food and can play a huge role in carbon sequestration. Watch episode 2 of our Youtube series on regenerative agriculture, this time on the role of soil management in scaling small-scale farms.

Ceri Flook

Money can grow on trees

Planting the right tree in the right place and in the right way looks different across Ecosia’s projects. But when trees play ecological and economic roles in restoration, both local communities and trees tend to thrive.

Ceri Flook

How Acacia Senegal trees change the lives and roles of women in a Sudanese village

For the women of Shagra, the income from the sale of the amber-like raw material improves their livelihoods as well as their role within their families and villages.


Tree-Planting Update: Episode 33

For the first time in over a year and after following many safety precautions, the tree team has been able to visit your tree-planting projects in person. In this episode, Mélissa is on the ground from Tanzania.

Ceri Flook

What agroforestry means, and why we support it

A short and simple definition of agroforestry is agriculture with trees. Agriculture is one of the biggest drivers of deforestation. But agroforestry proves that agriculture and trees can thrive together.

Ceri Flook
Ethical Tech

3 ways Ecosia is changing the rules of business

Business as usual is not going to solve the world’s problems. Here are three ways Ecosia is changing the rules of business to help people and the planet.

Ceri Flook

News from Ecosia, the search engine that fights climate change through reforestation.

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