
Ecosia is ready for change. We recognize need for systemic change to mitigate the climate crisis, and we believe that activism will help bring those changes about. Ecosia allows its employees to strike for the climate without taking holiday leave, and supports those who engage in nonviolent civil disobedience with legal assistance. Learn more about how to be an activist!


Changing the ground rules to protect what we love: the Earth

Stop Ecocide aims to make the most severe and widespread destruction of ecosystems an international crime prosecutable by the International Criminal Court.

Ethical Tech

Under pressure, Google abandons its pay-for-play auction screen on Android

Google said it would abandon the pay-for-play model in September 2021.


How to help the environment in a structural way

Here are five easy things you can do to help the planet by shaking the structures harming our planet.

Climate Action

The carbon tax that puts money in your pocket: Q&A with Citizens’ Climate Lobby

The CCL is fighting for a carbon tax that places the burden of responsibility on big polluters. The funds raised would be returned as monthly dividends to citizens.


What does it take to become a climate activist?

To give you a better idea of what climate activism entails, we decided to talk to different activists about what activism means for them, and what advice they have for those who are just starting out.

Climate Action

Tools for a post-growth society – an interview with Imeh Ituen

Samie Blasingame sat down with climate activist Imeh to learn more about her personal hopes for the year ahead.


Meet the Ecosia x Earth Uprising Microgrant Winners

In October of last year, we launched Ecosia’s first-ever youth microgrants fund. See who won and how to apply.


Decolonizing the climate change conversation

Many of us have heard of the term “climate justice”, but it requires real effort and introspection to understand what it means, and then to act on it.


Your voice on climate counts: revenue from all US searches goes towards Earthjustice until polls close

Voting in the US election this year is a crucial opportunity to vote for the climate. Ecosia can't vote, but what we can do is donate the revenue from all US searches to Earthjustice. Here's why.


Trees can't vote — but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have a voice

What if we reevaluated our interactions with, and relationships to, the very trees and plants that we threaten to destroy, or use to breathe, and viewed them as having not only a stake, but an effect in and on human political decisions


Harriet Bradley from BirdLife Europe on why the EU needs to #WithdrawTheCAP

We talked with Harriet Bradley from BirdLife Europe on the EU’s new Common Agricultural Policy, why it’s bad news for trees and the environment, and how you can help to withdraw it.


You can now apply to the Ecosia x Earth Uprising Microgrants Fund

Young people’s grassroots activism has ushered in a new era of climate action. In an effort to amplify the work of youth climate activists on the front lines of the climate battle, we’ve partnered with Earth Uprising.

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