The Amazon Fires have sparked an important question: who is responsible for protecting the world's forests?
All over the world, schools and workplaces were left empty today as millions of people went on strike for the climate.
Ecosia is the world's first search engine that helps you make better informed decisions. Here's how!
On September 20th, millions of us will leave our homes, schools and workplaces to strike for the future of our planet.
Installs of Ecosia have increased by a 1000% in only a week. The Amazon fires have brought Ecosia much attention and we are responding to the trust our (new) users put in us by increasing our efforts in Brazil.
A sense of insecurity reigns among environmental organizations in Brazil. Bolsonaro's policies are weakening the work of conservationists and threatening the Amazon Forest as a result.
Join us on the mountains of southern Ethiopia for our latest tree update.
Climate marches and nonviolent civil disobedience are necessary. Ecosia supports its employees with a new climate leave policy.
More people than ever are searching with Ecosia, which means we can now plant a tree every 0.8 seconds.
Google wants other search engines to pay to become a default option in Android. Here's why we're saying no.
Why do companies still burn fossil fuels? We love renewable energy so much, we built our own solar plants.
What started as an idea between three students has developed into a worldwide tree-planting phenomenon.