Our goal? Reforesting the planet in a way that is beneficial to both people and nature.
Madagascar holds a vast and rich treasure of species in flora and fauna.
Ecosians, what a year 2016 has been.
I'm Pieter, Ecosia’s tree-planting officer, and I'm on my way to visit our planting programs in Madagascar.
It’s been more than a year since thanks to your searches we started supporting a tree planting project in Burkina Faso.
Today we reached an astonishing 5 million planted trees.
Our current tree-planting program in has shown us what a powerful effect tree-planting can have, for the environment as well as for the communities involved.
We are very excited to tell you that, from now on, your searches on Ecosia are helping us finance 3 tree-planting programs in total!
Today we reached astonishing 4 million planted trees.
One of the reforestation projects we support is located in the Sahel region in Burkina Faso.
2015 was Ecosias’s most impactful year yet since its founding six years ago.
Ecosia has reached the symbolic mark of 3 million planted trees.