
News from your trees in Senegal, where they help local communities grow more (and more diverse) food, despite a warming climate.

Women's Day

When women thrive, the planet thrives

On this International Women’s Day we want to celebrate the rural women powering our tree-planting efforts around the world.


Can we halt desertification in Senegal?

In Senegal, many communities rely on savannahs – vital transition zones between deserts and forests – to feed their families and livestock. But these ecosystems are under threat. Can we stop their desertification?

Tree Updates

Tree-Planting Update: Episode 40

We have until 2050 to prevent the worst consequences of climate change. That’s 27 rainy seasons. Our partner in Senegal is beating the odds.


From dryland to forest in just 5 years

Your searches helped us plant 750,000 with 500 families in Senegal. You won’t believe the results. See for yourself in our latest video!


Trees against hunger in Senegal

The effects of climate change are harming smallholder farmers in Senegal. Planting trees on their fields helps them take charge of their future.

Tree planting

Your trees in Senegal

Agriculture and trees can coexist! The result is more and better food, as well as increased climate resilience.


The people who plant your trees react to your messages

We delivered your messages to the people who plant your trees. Watch their response, and make the connection.


How trees brought back Senegal’s national dish: with recipe

Forests and farms can coexist, and even help each other thrive. In Senegal, this has led to the return of a famous stew.


Our project in Senegal

We never have to choose between forests and fields. When trees and agriculture coexist, people thrive.

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