Climate Action

European elections have never mattered more

From June 6th-9th 2024, European elections will determine the set-up of the European Parliament, which in turn will steer policy-making for the next five years — and this includes the climate.


You can’t nurse the Earth back to health with half-measures: Ecosia’s regeneration report

We don’t mess with half-measures, so our report can be summed up in three simple points.


Designed for you, built for the planet: the new Ecosia Browser

We’re really excited to share our new browser, with green features that make your daily browsing experience the simple way to have a lasting impact.

Tree Updates

Tree-Planting Update: Episode 40

We have until 2050 to prevent the worst consequences of climate change. That’s 27 rainy seasons. Our partner in Senegal is beating the odds.


Choose the planet, choose Ecosia: why you’re going to be asked to pick a search engine

If you live in the EU, Google and Apple will ask you if you want to choose Ecosia (again). Here's all you need to know.


200 million trees

Here's to 200 million thriving trees, and counting.

Christian Kroll
Green Investments

Our climate impact projects

We dedicate 100% of our profits to climate action. Here are ten projects we've supported.


From dryland to forest in just 5 years

Your searches helped us plant 750,000 with 500 families in Senegal. You won’t believe the results. See for yourself in our latest video!

Tree Updates

Tree-Planting Update 39

We brought something special for you from your trees in India. Have a look!


We’re calling out COP28

COP28 might sound like satire, but it’s real. That’s why, at the outset of COP28, we got together with climate activists to hold COP28 accountable.


Cutting down trees… for the climate?

Why would we plant trees to cut them down again? Find out in our newest video from Uganda.


Why am I not seeing Ecosia on Chrome anymore?

Ecosia might not look as expected, but you can still use your search bar as usual. We’re on it!


News from Ecosia, the search engine that fights climate change through reforestation.

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