European elections have never mattered more

We get it. The European elections can seem settled. Polls already predict the probable outcome — one you might not like. 

But your vote matters more than you might think.

From June 6th-9th 2024, European elections will determine the set-up of the European Parliament, which in turn will steer policy-making for the next five years — and this includes the climate.

Sadly, polls show that most young people don’t intend to vote. That’s a pity, because it’s young people who tend to vote with the climate in mind, and this time around, in some countries, the voting age has gone down to 16 years — meaning the influence could be bigger than ever.

It’s no exaggeration to say that these are the most important EU elections ever for the climate. We have so much to win, and so much to lose.

What the EU has done for the climate

Here are some of the climate-related issues the EU has managed to regulate on despite its complex set-up of 27 member countries:

It's not all sunshine and roses, of course — which is yet another reason to vote and create pressure for the EU to do better (and prevent it from undoing past EU climate wins such as the EU Green Deal).

This is a climate election, again

The truth is that the upcoming June 2024 European elections could make or break the climate.

The climate crisis needs a systemic response. If Spain, for example, applies decarbonisation policies but Germany and Poland disregard them, we will not have a lasting impact.

A climate-friendly political set-up is crucial for the world to maintain a sustained and ambitious path towards solving the climate crisis. Voting for politicians who believe in strong environmental policy will make a real difference. 

How the EU elections work and how to vote

Here are some links to guide you through the process and help you decide who to vote for.

On this website, from the European Parliament itself, you will find everything you need to know about how and when to vote in your country of residence, either in-person or by mail. Make sure to read it carefully and not miss any deadlines.

Who to vote for is of course your decision. Finding the right political party or candidate can be a chore. If you have a general idea of which parties resonate with your values, check their websites for their electoral program.

An easy way to speed up your search is by using “voting advice applications”, like this one, developed by the European University Institution, or this one.

Another useful tool is EuroMPmatch, which collects information based on the voting records of MEPs (Members of the European Parliament) of the last European legislature — in other words, they show you how MEPs actually voted across a range of topics.

Why you should tell everyone that (and why) you intend to vote

Election polls sometimes make people feel like their worst fears are inevitable. But when you openly talk about voting for a better future, it sparks hope in others who share your vision, and inspires them to go vote, too.

So, if you're registered or planning to vote, don’t be shy about it! Share your plans, help others find this voting info, and let's make sure our voices are heard.

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