We are on a mission to regenerate degraded landscapes, support rural communities and establish climate justice, one tree at a time. See for yourself!
Our latest tree update comes from Sumatra, Indonesia, where your searches are helping to reforest former palm oil plantations.
A new project from Colombia and news about your trees in Burkina Faso and Peru. With a message from Jane Goodall.
See how your trees are doing in Madagascar, Indonesia, and Morocco.
Hello from a forest garden! Our tree-planting officer Pieter updates you on how your trees are doing all over the world, this time from our project in Senegal.
Find out how your searches have helped to finance another nursery in Madagascar this month, with a capacity of 200,000 trees.
The latest tree update is brought to you from a nursery in Ghana! Find out how your trees are doing in Morocco, Nicaragua, and Indonesia.
Here’s the latest on how your trees are doing, from a tree in Ethiopia!