trees planted updating
hectares restored updating
since 2023

Restoring degraded soil along the banks of the Rio Negro

In Argentina, we are planting native seedlings to restore the land and create agroforestry systems with edible forests for local communities.


Planting method

Community seed banks, Nurseries, Agroforestry, Masanobu fukuoka seed balls, Root system spreading system

Planting season

August - November

Main threats

River Pollution, Fires

Wildlife protected

Guanaco, Gray Fox, Mara, Puma, Ñandu, Ferret, Armadillo and many types of birds


Missing infrastructure

Top trees species

Prosopis alba
Native Species
Maytenus boaria
Native Species
Aristotelia chilensis
Native Species
Parkinsonia praecox
Native Species
Populus nigra
Olea europaea
More information about our work in Argentina Back to Overview
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