All the latest news from the tree-planting search engine.
We’re partnering with AccuWeather to provide you with up-to-date information to stay safe this summer
We don’t mess with half-measures, so our report can be summed up in three simple points.
We’re really excited to share our new browser, with green features that make your daily browsing experience the simple way to have a lasting impact.
If you live in the EU, Google and Apple will ask you if you want to choose Ecosia (again). Here's all you need to know.
Here's to 200 million thriving trees, and counting.
We dedicate 100% of our profits to climate action. Here are ten projects we've supported.
COP28 might sound like satire, but it’s real. That’s why, at the outset of COP28, we got together with climate activists to hold COP28 accountable.
Ecosia might not look as expected, but you can still use your search bar as usual. We’re on it!
We're always working on improving your search experience and helping you have a bigger impact with Ecosia. Here's what's new.
Instead of aiming for neutrality, let’s look at the positive impact an organization could have.
We joined forces with Bronx is Blooming to support urban tree equity and environmental justice in New York City.
We’ve updated your personal tree counter to make it even easier for you to keep track of your impact on Ecosia.