New project, more trees

Ecosia has always been about maximizing its positive impact on the world. To achieve that impact, we aim to support the best possible tree-planting programs out there.

In the past we supported a project in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, which we were very happy about. But when we discovered a new project in Burkina Faso in Africa, we got even more excited.

So excited in fact that, after consulting our most active users, we decided to support it completely.

The story begins in Africa’s Sahel.

You see, decades of drought have devastated parts of Burkina Faso. Without water, neither people nor plants or animals have been able to survive, relegating more and more of this once-fertile land to desert. Famine, disease and violent conflict have been just some of the overwhelming consequences.


But now, a special tree-planting method is allowing new trees to grow and survive…


Not only do these new trees bring water, plant and animal life back to the area, but the improvements lead to better health conditions for local people, more children in school and more women earning their own living.


Ecosia’s expert tree-planting partners, including WeForest and OZG, work on-site with local communities to select planting areas, purchase the seeds and protect the new trees as they grow. Benefits of the new forests include:

  • More rain (return of the water cycle)
  • More native plants and animals (biodiversity)
  • Carbon sequestration (climate change mitigation)
  • Sustainable-use educational programs
  • Revival of local economy
  • Empowerment of women through earning opportunities
  • More children in school

Last but not least, planting trees in Burkina Faso is very cost-effective – .28 EUR per tree instead of one USD in Brazil. This means our donations yield many more trees per month than before (now three new trees every minute!). You can learn more about the project in the growing Tree Planting section of our Knowledge Base.

Together with you – our amazing users – we’re looking forward to planting many millions of trees in Burkina Faso in the future! Share your thoughts and questions about the new project below – and don’t miss our regular updates on its progress.

Now, let’s get planting!

Your (excited) Ecosia Team

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